Monthly Archives: April 2013

Authors in Bloom Give-Away Winner

Authors in Bloom Give-Away Winner

Thank you to all the visitors who participated in the Authors in Bloom Blog Hop!  Hopefully you gathered some wonderful gardening tips, recipes and became familiar with some new authors and their novels! It is my pleasure to announce that the winner of the raffle at my site, Follow the Blog is  Ninette Swann.  Congratulations Ninette!

Ninette will receive gardening shears and gloves and my first two books of the Frenchie Series: Frenchie’s Best Friend-Follow the Blog and Frenchie X2- Follow the Blog. 

Happy Gardening and Reading Ninette!

ImageRead the rest

Authors in Bloom Blog Hop

Authors in Bloom Blog Hop


Welcome to my Author Blog Site!  I am so pleased to have you participating in the contest and visiting all 63 of our sites between April 10th (6:00 am EST) and April 19th (11:59 pm EST).


You have 10 days to visit each of the author blog sites that will be listed/linked at the end of each of our contest blogs, for your convenience. When you visit each site, you’ll be able to pick up gardening tips (from the talented green thumbs) and/or recipes (from the foodies).  As well, if you leave a comment at each site, you have opportunities to win give-aways and you’ll be entered in the Grand Prize DrawRead the rest

Kindle Fire Prize (Authors in Bloom Blog Hop Contest)

Kindle Fire Prize (Authors in Bloom Blog Hop Contest)


Are you ready to participate in the Authors in Bloom Blog Hop?  Authors (all 65 of us) are getting our gardening tips and/or recipes  prepared to post on April 10th by 6am EST. The fun part is planning the prizes. All you have to do is visit each author site, and leave a comment at each blog and, of course, you are always welcome to make a blog subscription to any that you truly enjoy. This will register you for give-aways from individual authors and  the chance to win the GRAND PRIZE (after checking out all 65 blogs): a Kindle Fire or Nook and a $25. gift card.  The tour lasts 10 days and ends April 19th at Read the rest