One Sunday afternoon, as husband (that’s right-no longer boyfriend) and Prairie Girl took a walk around Granville Island on a hot summer afternoon, they ended up in a boat broker’s office. What a surprise! Of course, husband had been checking out sailboats for a very long time! (Prairie Girl was too busy to notice…) The broker just happened to mention that there was a one-time owner Catalina 27 languishing in a slip nearby that would be reasonably priced and encouraged them to go aboard to check it out. They had nothing better to do, so Y Knot?

This is how we found the Y Knot.
One could tell that the boat had been much loved by its former owners. They were in their 80’s now and just didn’t have the steam to maintain and sail it any longer. Husband checked it over thoroughly and felt certain that it was in great condition- besides the old, tattered upholstery and curtains. (That’s what Prairie Girl zeroed in on- of course she did!) The important stuff like the condition of the gel coat, mechanical functions, out board engine, hull, keel, sails, sunbrella canvas… were basically all in tact and looked to be in good shape. Even the tiller had been protected!
They sat on the back of the boat that lovely afternoon and romanticized about what it would be like to own their very own sailboat. Of course, Prairie Girl kept envisioning the Lotto Max ad again, being the romantic that she is. Husband prattled on about the practicalities… the project work he could do on the boat himself, the costs involved, the appropriate offer to make, … you know that boring stuff that guys love to talk about. She liked her daydreams better! She’d already picked the new color for the upholstery that she’d redo the cabin in. And a new head would certainly be one of the first priorities. You see where this is going… Their innocent little stroll, became this huge decision to be made, within a couple of hours!

See the lovely worn and tattered upholstery.
They returned to the boat broker and had him write up a low-balled offer to the owners and went home to digest what they’d done. The owners had till noon the next day to let them know if they’d accept it or not. Prairie Girl can still see them pacing their North Van apartment, waiting for that phone call. Husband, who often likes the chase/search more than the actual purchase was already touting that he wouldn’t counter. Romantic Prairie Girl already had the boat upholsterer chosen and was poised to make the booking. … Of course they’d take their offer!
The phone rang and within two minutes, they were the proud owners of a Catalina 27. The owner was a retired chef from the Hotel Vancouver and he made an appointment to meet with husband (CAPTAIN to CAPTAIN) and share any and all memorabilia and equipment that they had in their home related to the boat. Amongst the stuff was a calendar where their boat was featured on the cover in all its glory from earlier days. The couple were overjoyed to hear of husband’s plans for refurbishing their Catalina and his enthusiasm for getting it out on the water.
Prairie Girl started to wonder what in the world she was doing owning a sailboat?!) THE DEAL WAS SEALED…
Some of you have probably been in situations where one gets caught up in the spur of the moment and make a fast decision on a BIG ticket item. (TELL ME YOU HAVE!!!) Romantic Prairie Girl and husband, really did make this huge commitment within a day, or at least that’s what he contends to this day. What do you think? Please leave your comments by clicking on Leave a Comment below. Prairie Girl needs to hear your stories!