Pacific Yachting Magazine (08/17) Book Review: WHO’S the CAPTAIN?

Pacific Yachting Magazine (08/17) Book Review: WHO’S the CAPTAIN?


Imagine Prairie Girl’s delight when she opened up her August copy of PACIFIC YACHTING MAGAZINE and found a half page BOOK REVIEW of WHO’S the CAPTAIN?  it embraced the magic of the collaboration between David Alavoine (PY’s cartoonist/ COCKPIT CONFESSIONS page) and myself in creating a humorous book that would appeal to all members of sailing/boating families.

Both storyteller and illustrator must have been synced closely during this collaboration, as Alavoine’s cartoons seem to mirror so closely the mood of each of Laudien’s vignettes.

There’s something to resonate here for every sailor- or sailor wannabe, I’m betting. Laudien has fun with some of the curious and puzzling nautical terms and how they can be misconstrued, with family dynamics, and with the vagaries of the weather.

Cherie Thiessen, the PY Magazine’s  reviewer of SUMMER READS, endorses the book at the end of her review, stating:

This will force a chuckle or two while waiting for slack, or for the gales to soften to a roar, or for the crew to come back from shore leave.

If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, there are page links to kindle,, and found on the side bar blog roll of

CAPTAINS- Don’t leave the dock this summer without your copy of WHO’S the CAPTAIN? aboard to share with your crew of family members. 

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