If you’re searching for carefree, cheeky blog sites that inspire belly laughs and tender moments from family drama and post career lifestyle choices; then please follow, FUN HAPPENS! Mary is many things (a long list…), but TODAY she’s a post innovative educator, who writes KIDLIT and humorous blog posts for “DOGGIE PEOPLE” (French Bulldog MG Series), “BOAT PEOPLE” (WHO’S the CAPTAIN? picture book), and “HAPPY/FUN PEOPLE” who relate to the amusing warmth in everyday life! Check out TENDER TUESDAYS and FUN KIDLIT FRIDAYS!
- Free Download (June 11th-June 18th) Happy Father’s Day
- Discounted Download $1.49 Happy Father’s Day
MARY LAUDIEN is a fair weather sailor (better known as a cruiser). She has never taken a sailing lesson or a power squadron/VHF Radio Course, but thankfully, her husband, (who thinks he’s CAPTAIN) has! Unfortunately, Mary didn’t start sailing until her later 40’s and therefore, she missed out on the fun of taking her sons (as children) out on sailing vacations. But, she can tell anyone who will listen that she’s had many a humourous (if not scary) experience while sailing the Pacific NW on their Catalina, the TWOCAN. When Mary wrote, WHO’S the CAPTAIN? she visualized David Alavoine’s cartoons. Each time he’d draft a sketch and email it for collaboration and feedback, it was like opening a birthday gift; his cartoon interpretations the perfect match to the text. Be prepared to be entertained- young and old alike!
Nice Mary!
Glad you like it Kelsey! I’d love to have you two following my blog!
Awesome, Mary! You are certainly a talented retiree! A& R
I prefer to refer to this stage as “POST CAREER”- Ha! Thanks for leaving a comment A&R!
You can’t go wrong with such a great smile, Mary!
What a nice thing to say, Amy!
Hi; Mary… From one Blogger to another… Very funny. This is new to me so… We shall see.
Big hugs,
Diane. (Going to shop for rocks.)
Thanks Diane, glad you like it. I think you’re doing a fine job on your art blog and have passed it on to some of my friends who love to paint, as well. Keep painting and writing!