Monthly Archives: October 2012

How Can a Fourteen Year Old Girl be a Threat to the Taliban?

How Can a Fourteen Year Old Girl be a Threat to the Taliban?

The attempted assassination of Malala Yousafzai in Pakistan yesterday has me reeling!  I cannot understand how in a modern world, a fourteen year old girl could become a target on a Taliban hit list.  All this young girl wanted to do was attend school; a privilege taken for granted in North America and often not even appreciated.  Can you imagine this  girl’s courage to dress each morning and attempt to go to school after her right as a female to attend had been taken away? The Taliban deprives women’s roles and rights to openly attend schools. After shooting Malala and another girl who tried to protect her identity from the assassin, the Taliban immediately took pride in announcing their responsibility … Read the rest

Canadian Thanksgiving Freebie for a Family Read

Canadian Thanksgiving Freebie for a Family Read

It’s Thanksgiving weekend and I want to show my appreciation to the readers of my Frenchie series by offering you a free download of my first novel, Frenchie’s Best Friend-Follow the Blog. Just go to and enter the Coupon Code LX49S to download a copy in the ebook format of your choice.

This first book in the series will make a humorous read for the entire family.  “Follow the blog of daily misadventures as Ethan’s cohort of allies attempts to deceive his overworked mom by setting a nefarious scheme in motion to own his Frenchie.”  It will make you laugh, it will surprise you and most of all it will resonate with puppy love.  All readers are cautioned, … Read the rest