Tag Archives: summer reading club

Children’s Writer Shares Enthusiasm

Children’s Writer Shares Enthusiasm

Children’ s Writer Shares


         Nanoose Bay author Mary Laudien is having a blast writing humorous, contemporary novels for anyone who loves their pet.

She shares that enthusiasm with young readers at the Wellington Library’s Summer Reading Club Thursday(July 5 ) at 2 p.m.

Laudien, a retired principal from West Vancouver, is writing the third book in her Frenchie series, aimed at nine to 12-year-olds, ages that she believes engage in reading through humorous books they relate to personally.

In the first book, Ethan enlists the aid of his quirky grandmother, and a following of bloggers, to realize his dream of owning a French bulldog. Misadventures ensue, including a bargain dogwash business in his mother’s laundry room, all shared nightly … Read the rest

Blog Comment Contest

Blog Comment Contest

With summer reading upon us, Mary Laudien is excited to share the first two books of her Frenchie series as a way to inspire kids to read and write blogs over the long summer break.

In preparation for Mary Laudien’s Author Visit to Nanaimo Wellington Library’s Summer Reading Club, she has organized a BLOG COMMENT CONTEST as a follow-up activity.  Participants will be given a business card with her blog address (http://twocandobooks.wordpress.com).  They will be asked to visit her blog site after the Author Visit and leave a comment.  The participants will have some experience with blogs through her readings and will be asked to briefly comment on one of the following:

1. a recommendation for an … Read the rest