It’s a Picture Book/ Middle Grade Book Review post that will be shared every other Friday. I intended to start this much sooner, but publishing WHO’S the CAPTAIN? seemed to take over my life for the last year. Now that it’s finally available, I can start posting regularly the picture books and early novels that I cherished reading with students when I was a teacher/principal in West Vancouver schools. I know many of you are always seeking out worthwhile, entertaining reads for you to share with your kids or grand-kids. That’s the purpose of FUN KIDLIT FRIDAYS... to introduce you to KIDLIT that’s FUN! I‘ll also be making connections to other sites that offer their expertise in reviewing kids books! Naturally, I’ll occasionally share my books, as they certainly fall into this category!
This is a book that will entertain adults, young children (ages 6+) and all boaters in different ways. A parent/grandparent will enjoy “cozying-up” with their little one and sharing the cartoon vignettes in the context of family sailing vacations. They’ll like the challenge in trying to decipher what the nautical terms mean (e.g., SEACOCKS) within the repetitive language text,“Our dad who thinks he’s CAPTAIN…”. After making guesses about what the word means, checking out the sassy glossary at the back of the book to see if one was correct will be a blast! (e.g., SEACOCKS-It’s a valve, NOT some kind of fishy bird! One of the crew’s chores is to remember to close the SEACOCKS before heading out of the marina. (After all, the CAPTAIN can’t do everything!)
Middle Grade kids (ages 8-12) will be entertained with the humour of family vacationing on the water. They’ll relate to all the things that can go wrong and how the lines can blur when identifying who really is or should be the CAPTAIN? It would be an excellent resource for Sailing Schools. Young sailors are guaranteed to remember the nautical terms used on the water, as well as engage in lively discussions regarding boat safety and gender roles.
Adults will read into the cartoon vignettes and sassy glossary to be entertained at a somewhat deeper level. They’ll appreciate having a collection of Dave Alavoine’s nautical cartoons in one book, as most boaters read Cockpit Confessions in Pacific Yachting Magazine and are fans. And honestly, anyone who has ever sailed or cruised on a sailboat will find themselves relating to the cartoons and reminiscing about their adventures on the water- especially when they had kids aboard! (and maybe pets…)
Captain Adorable (3 year old Lucy) and her stinky BIG BROTHERS have their own ideas about what vacationing on the water is all about. Not everyone onboard agrees that the CAPTAIN is the one in charge of the SEA YA! Get ready for laughs when encountering what actually happens on boating vacations through Dave Alavoine’s perceptive cartoons.
If you look under the cover of WHO’S the CAPTAIN? on the right side blog roll, you will see links to Amazon.com and Amazon.ca (Just click on them.) The book will be available at Chapters/Indigo.com or Barnes and Noble.com, but it takes a few weeks to get the distribution lines organized. The book is also available on Kindle.
If you’re local (you know who you are….) and would like a copy or two, just drop by the house or email me (mlaudien@outlook.com) and I’ll deliver to you!
I’m anxious, as a writer, to have customers write reviews for my books and post them here and on Amazon. It is the only way that anyone ever finds the books. If you are so inclined to do so, after reading WHO’S the CAPTAIN? – I would be immensely grateful!! Thanks for visiting FUN KIDLIT FRIDAYS!