FINALLY! A FAMILY SAILING BOOK that cracks the code of nautical terms through humorous cartoons and a sassy glossary! A delightful and recognizable story for any family that sails together.
– Written by Mary Laudien, a 4th time B.C. children’s author and former Principal of West Bay and Cypress Park.
-Cartoons by the talented, Dave Alavoine of Pacific Yachting Magazine’s COCKPIT CONFESSION.
DATE: Saturday, November 26th
TIME: 12:30 – 2:00
LOCATION: Martin Marine Services Ltd., 1176 Welch Street, North Vancouver
BOOK PRICE: only $14.99
For more information go to: https://www.marylaudien.com or email: mlaudien@outlook.com
DRAWS during the launch program… even an original painting from the book! … Pacific Yachting Magazine Subscription, PY caps, Mary’s MG Frenchie series… and more!
Come on parents bring out your CAPTAINS.
(CAPTAIN– The person in command of the boat. In other words, THE BIG BOSS!)
Okay, I know I may be over the top in continuing to share my enthusiasm for this upcoming event…6 SLEEPS AWAY! I have to honestly say that I am totally immersed in the planning of this launch. It is so exciting to work hard on a project, have successful collaboration with the illustrator (about a year of tweaking each cartoon back and forth before painting each one in the final format), working through the publishing process and now, TELLING THE WORLD ABOUT THIS UNIQUE FAMILY SAILING BOOK! (It can be found on AMAZON, after all!)
You may be asking yourself what is the big deal about preparing for a Book Launch & Signing event? Well, the last month has been spent creating, delivering and posting flyers all over the North Shore. All yacht clubs and marinas have been contacted to share the information. Special Draws have been coordinated. A news release and the ad (above) was created for the NORTH SHORE NEWS. Special treats have been baked and a family friendly program prepared. Readers have been asked to write reviews …. the list goes on. It has all been fun, exciting and now one just has to wait 6 more sleeps to enjoy this special tribute to Dave Alavoine (Pacific Yachting Magazine’s cartoonist for everyone’s favorite COCKPIT CONFESSION page). We’re proud to present this collection of nautical cartoons in the context of family sailing vacations. COME OUT and SHARE in the FUN! See you in 6 more sleeps….