Tag Archives: Blogging 101

Say Your Name

Say Your Name

Say Your Name

One is constantly barraged with requests to “SAY YOUR NAME”. The problem is that some of us have had a few name changes over the years, and on a distracted day, one could inadvertently blurt out one of those previous names… I’m saving those stories for another post!

My first “change of name” experience happened on the first day of school.  The teacher was confronted with 2 MARY LYNNE students.  She made an on the spot judgement call, announcing that I would be MARY from that day forth, and the other little girl would be LYNNE.  It stuck.  I lost my dual name that day and never looked back. Albeit, my mom continued … Read the rest



A Book Review:


               -written by Don Watmough

                     -illustrations by Dave Alavoine


Anyone who is a boater will get a kick out of Evergreen Pacific’s latest release. The book is a chaotic and hilarious tale of a novice sailor who bungles his way through purchasing the perfect boat (NOT!), learning to sail it through numerous mishaps, while simultaneously entertaining the “sea gods” above with the mayhem in his wake. Dave Alavoine’s illustrations, (the cartoonist for Pacific Yachting Magazine’s, COCKPIT CONFESSIONS), capture the humor of the nautical follies experienced by Skip and his mate, Muffy. The final part of LEARN to SAIL the HARD WAY addresses the mistakes made by rookie … Read the rest

Why Enrol in Blogging 101?

Why Enrol in Blogging 101?

Why Did I Start Blogging?

Everyone enrolled in BLOGGING 101 will have different reasons for getting a blog underway. I am a purposeful retired educator/administrator who found that I was unprepared for “retirement”.  What did I do?  I wrote a middle years series of  3 humorous novels, entitled the Frenchie Series (Frenchie referring to French Bulldogs). Interesting, the MG novels are about a 13 year old boy who blogs each night to all the Frenchie lovers… Most of all, the writing kept me engaged and excited about creating something that I hoped families would get some chuckles from reading.  As well, it kept me learning new skills, such as setting up an author platform and coordinating one’s promotion and marketing … Read the rest