Tag Archives: writing




Writers can come up with all kinds of reasons why they aren’t producing their daily scheduled hours of writing. The key to success is writing everyday, without exception.  I’m disciplined; I don’t get distracted.  Yeah, right!

 The sunshine never calls me outdoors.  No way!  Leave my computer to pick weeds, paint garden furniture, plant new beds?  Are you kidding?  Trade a keyboard to get my nails dirty?  No way! Like that would happen!


Sailing cruises for extended periods of time?  What’s the chances of that?  Surely one’s computer could be secretly stowed on board… What else is a writer to do, once anchored in some memorable marina park? To say nothing of the marinas nestled next to towns on … Read the rest

10 Reasons why MG and YA Authors Must Read: Writing Irresistible KIDLIT by Mary Kole

10 Reasons why MG and YA Authors Must Read: Writing Irresistible KIDLIT by Mary Kole

Having recently wrapped up my third MG novel of my Frenchie series, Writer’s Digest’s promotion of Mary Kole’s book, “Writing Irresistible KIDLIT –The Ultimate Guide to Crafting Fiction for Young Adult and Middle Grade Readers” caught my attention.  All authors are interested in perfecting their skill set and craft.  It’s an invaluable aid challenging authors to go back into one’s manuscript, ask the hard questions, and revise, revise, revise!

10 reasons KIDLIT  writers should read Mary Kole’s guide:

1.  Mary Kole is well educated, knowledgeable, experienced and a published author herself. She has credence as a Senior Literary Manager, someone who teaches webinars on all aspects of children’s book craft and she blogs at kidlit.com.

2.  She … Read the rest