Tag Archives: Dogs



If you’ve been perusing the titles of books on Amazon, you will see the tag, “SUMMERTIME IS BOOK TIME” at the bottom of each of the titles’ ads. Like most people,we carve out more leisure time to read in the shade, poolside, or at a beach during the summer months. It’s also when you sign up your kids/grandkids into a Summer Reading Program at the library. As an author, its the perfect time to promote my Middle Grade Frenchie Series! These novels inspire tweens (ages 9-12) to read for entertainment. Readers relate to Ethan’s antics and scheming to own a bulldog, and realize that they too can write blogs about their passions.

I have a summer gift Read the rest

Literate Fur Kids

Literate Fur Kids

As a novice gardener, I find myself continually dropping by nurseries these days. When I say novice, I mean it.  The following 3 photos demonstrate the progression from creating a raised garden bed, putting soil in the bed, planting the veggies and VOILÁ!  There are actual little plants germinating in that garden plot!  Simply amazing! Are you amazed?  Tell me you are!

garden Garden 2










veggiesCan you see those little veggies poking out of the soil…. hmmm …. I KNOW YOU CAN! Anyways, I have digressed. Is it obvious that I’m becoming a proud gardener?

So, as I was saying, I seem to be hanging out at a lot of nurseries these days and … Read the rest