Tag Archives: friendships




                               – YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO PLAY…

Welcome back to Part 2 of CRUISE SHIP BRIDGE. This segment introduces my readers to a whole new level of lessons. Let’s just say, it was a darn good thing that I started off with the instructors and the forgiving friends that we began with on the first leg, as the intensity was about to be ratcheted up by about 100%.

The first day that we were abandoned by all the fantastic friends we’d met and with whom we enjoyed playing and socializing, we felt somewhat lost. We knew we had all the Australian ports to look forward to and experience, but we weren’t entirely convinced we’d make the … Read the rest

Fresh, Energized and Rejuvenated

Fresh, Energized and Rejuvenated

Lao Tzu copy

According to Global TV’s Newscast yesterday, January 19th is recognized as the most depressing day of the year. As you can tell from the title of my post, my personal experience of that date was anything but depressing!  What factors contributed to my feelings of well-being?  What made yesterday a day that was fresh, energized, and left one feeling rejuvenated? From my perspective:

1. Exercise- Start the day off early with a brisk walk with friends in a gorgeous part of Vancouver Island (ocean, golf course, rocks and trees, trails). It helps when the sun is shining, like it was yesterday!

-Attend a Yoga Class at the end of the day to wind down and get some wonderful stretches in.… Read the rest



After returning from a three-week adventure in Europe, our hostess sent me an email with the following German proverb:

“Came as a stranger and left as a friend.”

It couldn’t have expressed my feelings better.

When our travel plan to Germany and Holland was hatched, it was somewhat decided on a whim. My husband decided to circumnavigate Vancouver Island over a period of 4 weeks with three other sailors. The minute my friend (and sister-in-law) heard this, she pounced. She had a strong yen to return to Germany where she still had a best friend living. My sister-in-law had lived there in another life, back in the 70’s. She asked me at the right time (I had declined the year … Read the rest